It's Alive
qui l'audio in HD :
Live Coding is a new direction in electronic music and video: Live Coders expose and rewire the innards of software while it generates improvised music and/or visuals. All code manipulation is projected for your pleasure.
~modulation = {,1)};
d[\scale] = Scale.yu(\et53);
~sinfb = Pbind(\instrument,\sinfb,\scale,d[\scale],\octave,[3,4], \degree,Place([0,0,-52,[30,20,10],[52,40,25,20],[10,11,9,3,6], [30,36,39,40]],inf),\dur,0.25,\amp,0.5,\fb,Pwhite(10.5,900.5), \rel,Pexprand(0.1,0.5),\pan, ~modulation);;
~modulation = {,1)};
d[\scale] = Scale.yu(\et53);
~sinfb = Pbind(\instrument,\sinfb,\scale,d[\scale],\octave,[5,6], \degree,Pseq([0, 1, [2,4], 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, \rest], inf),\dur,0.25,\amp,0.5,\fb,Pwhite(10.5,900.5), \rel,Pexprand(0.1,0.5),\pan, ~modulation);;